Thursday, April 11, 2013

Subtle Racism

Since the book was outdated, I was disappointed that it couldn’t discuss the racist media coverage and rhetoric following both presidential elections.  Since Obama’s election I have heard tons of arguments claiming that racism had finally been crushed, especially when Herman Cain ran against Obama for his second term. Larson’s assertion of minorities being rewarded for criticizing “their own” came to mind, but as Larson mentions “ racism has not gone away; it has gone underground, and subtle racism has taken its place.” ( pg. 201).

To me the subtle racism is not so subtle, but again I know that I tend to be a bit more critical than my peers who are not involved in academic world. And that is always the disheartening part and as J K Lewey ( sorry don’t know who you are, John I am guessing) mentioned in his blog, some non-whites have internalized the racism they see in the media and embrace stereotypes as figures of truth.  I, at one point in my life, did it as well. It can be hard when the only non-whites who are allowed to be seen only hold up the dominant racist ideology by either fitting into a stereotypical category or assimilating and allowing themselves to be “white washed”. Sometimes the “white washing” isn’t even allowed, it is just institutionally inserted as normal, acceptable and those who assimilate can find rewards.

Well I see the subtle racism, and wonder how to break it down without sounding, to others less critical, like a conspiracy theorist. I love this Noam Chomsky quote about the term conspiracy theory, and try to remember this every time I started doubting my analysis and worrying that I am going to far. I cant remember it exactly but its something along the lines of acknowledging the term conspiracy theory as a four letter word made to discredit and silence. To be critical or make an institutional analysis is not the same as a conspiracy theory. Sometimes being so critical of the media, speaking to my friends and my family about it, pointing out the sublet racism in the news, and the sexism in commercials, can be alienating. I can feel like I am always taking it too far, but I just cant turn my critical brain off.  I am always hoping that the people around me are at least half listening to me and considering what I say.

So I always feel like its cheating to bust out Fox news people to point out the racism in the media, but they give me just too much ammunition. Take it away Ann Coulter

Although Joy Behar is supposed to be calling Ann Coulter out she mostly just wants to prove that there are impressive Black democrats. Not that her ( Coutler's) statement " Our Blacks are better than their Blacks" was racist. In the middle of the discussion Joy even says something along the lines of " I am not going to make this a race discussion". Nope, she aint gonna touch that. To me its obvious racism on Coulters part and racism through silence on Joys part. 

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