“Overt Racism is unlikely to appear in contemporary news
coverage of politicians and candidates since racist statements and terminology
have become unacceptable in Mainstream American culture” (Larson 370, IBook).
Too be honest, I wholeheartedly disagreed with Larson when I read this
statement. She continues by admitting that racism subtly exists in the
“underground.” During the first and
second presidential races where President Obama was elected/re-elected, I could
not bear to watch some of the mainstream coverage due to the overt racism –
maybe Larson and I have different opinions of what the word overt means.
Granted the photo listed above is not indicative of all
mainstream media, but if I remember correctly, the concept of Barack Obama
being a “Dangerous Muslim” was certainly pushed by someone – I know I didn’t
imagine it… “Black Candidates can suffer under stereotypes of corruption and
dishonesty” (Larson 383, IBook). Now I guess we need to determine if this is
overt or not.
Larson explains, “Old
fashioned racism has been replaced by code words that imply race based threats
to traditional values” (Larson 370, IBook).
I guess this poster could have been made with all good intentions; I
mean, I don’t see any blatant “old-fashioned racism.” Too be honest, I’m not sure what that really
looks like. Besides it’s not like the media ever showed us Barack Obama
actually associating with less than desirable people.
“Rather than present black candidates or politicians as
violent, they are shown with dangerous people, accused of promoting threatening
ideas, and portrayed as angry” (Larson 385, IBook). Depending on what news channel you watched,
the commentary on this association could have been different. Glenn Beck obviously promotes the dangers of
Barack Obama by showing the obvious association with someone who is viewed as
completely radical and nonsensical.
Again, is Glenn Beck being blatant or subtle? I guess we don’t have to
worry about answering that questions because, remember, President Obama isn’t
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